Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki

Main Path[]

Old Yukumo Blades Path[]

Image Names Creation Upgrading attack
MHP3rd Yukumo DS Render


Old Yukumo Dual

Obtained at the very beginning. Unobtainable elsewhere.



MHP3rd Yukumo DS Render (From Old Yukumo Blades)

Yukumo Dual

3 Yukumo Wood (ユクモの木)
3 Iron Ore (鉄鉱石)

Cost: 600z
1 Yukumo Wood (ユクモの木)
1 Iron Ore (鉄鉱石)

Cost:  400z



Yukumo Blades+ Path

Image Name Creation Upgrading attack
MHP3rd Yukumo DS Render (From Yukumo Blades)

Yukumo Blades+

5 Enchance Spheres

5 Machalite Ore (マカライト鉱石)
5 Yukumo Wood (ユクモの木)
5 Godbug (不死虫)

Cost: 800z


MHP3rd Yukumo DS Render (From Yukumo Blades+)

Yukumo Slicers

1 Lightcrystal (ライトクリスタル)
10 Machalite Ore (マカライト鉱石)
10 Yukumo Wood (ユクモの木)
2 Urukususu Ear (白兎獣の耳)

Cost: 1600z


Insector Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Bug DS Render (From Yukumo Blades+)



4 Swallowtail (オオクワアゲハ)
4 Hercudrome (ドスヘラクレス)
2 Dragonite Ore (ドラグライト鉱石)
2 Bnahabra Wing (飛甲虫の羽)

Cost: 3840z
2 Swallowtail (オオクワアゲハ)
2 Hercudrome (ドスヘラクレス)
4 Monster Fluid (モンスターの体液)

Cost: 2560z
MHP3rd Bug DS Render (From Insector)



5 Swallowtail (オオクワアゲハ)
5 Bnahabra Shell (飛甲虫の甲殻)
8 Monster Fluid (モンスターの体液)
2 ElderDragonBlood (古龍の血)

Cost: 5600z
MHP3rd Bug DS Render (From Insector+)


Humming Insector

6 Swallowtail (オオクワアゲハ)
4 Rare Scarab (マレコガネ)
4 Monster Broth (モンスターの濃汁)
5 Dragonbone Relic (いにしえの龍骨)

Cost: 40000z

Matched Slicers Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Rusted DS Render (From Yukumo Blades)


Matched Slicers

1 Machalite Ore (マカライト鉱石)
4 Earth Crystal (大地の結晶)
2 Carpenterbug (セッチャクロアリ)

Cost: 1200z
4 Iron Ore (鉄鉱石)
2 Earth Crystal (大地の結晶)

Cost: 800z
MHP3rd Rusted DS Render (FromMatched Slicers)


Matched Slicers+

4 Bealite Ore (ベアライト石)
2 Machalite Ore (マカライト鉱石)

Cost: 2000z
MHP3rd Rusted DS Render (From Matched Slicers+)


Dual Slicers

4 Isisium (アイシスメタル)
8 Iron Ore (鉄鉱石)
4 Earth Crystal (大地の結晶)

Cost: 3920z

Dual Tomahawk Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Tomahawk DS Render (From Dual Slicers)

Dual Tomahawk

5 Dragonite Ore (ドラグライト鉱石)
10 Iron Ore (鉄鉱石)
6 Killer Beetle (キラビートル)

Cost: 7080z
4 Dragonite Ore (ドラグライト鉱石)
7 Machalite Ore (マカライト鉱石)
8 Bealite Ore (ベアライト石)

Cost: 4720z
MHP3rd Tomahawk DS Render (From Dual Tomahawk)

Dual Tomahawk+

4 Lava Chunk (溶岩塊)
8 Dragonite Ore (ドラグライト鉱石)
12 Machalite Ore (マカライト鉱石)

Cost: 6560z

Hurricane Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Dark Claw DS Render (From Dual Tomahawk+)



5 Carbalite Ore (カブレライト鉱石)
30 Earth Crystal (大地の結晶)
50 Iron Ore (鉄鉱石)

Cost: 30000z
3 Carbalite Ore (カブレライト鉱石)
20 Earth Crystal (大地の結晶)
20 Bealite Ore (ベアライト石)

Cost: 20000z
MHP3rd Dark Claw DS Render (From Hurricane)



5 Union Ore (ユニオン鉱石)
15 Carbalite Ore (カブレライト鉱石)
30 Machalite Ore (マカライト鉱石)

Cost: 35000z

Order Rapier Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
Order Rapier
(From Dual Tomahawk+)

Order Rapier

6 Gracium (ライトクリスタル)
4 Lightcrystal (グラシスメタル)
4 Ancientfish (古代魚)

Cost: 45000z
Order Rapier
(From Order Rapier)

Holy Saber

8 Gracium (ライトクリスタル)
10 Rare Scarab (マレコガネ)
4 G.Agnaktor Claw+ (凍戈竜の鋭爪)

Cost: 50000z

Rex Slicers Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Tigrex DS Render (From Dual Tomahawk)


Rex Slicers

6 Tigrex Claw (轟竜の爪)
2 Tigrex Fang (轟竜の牙)
2 Tigrex Scale (轟竜の鱗)

Cost: 20000z
MHP3rd Tigrex DS Render (From Rex Slicers)


Rex Slicers [Blood]

6 Tigrex Claw+ (轟竜の尖爪)
2 Tigrex Fang+ (轟竜の鋭牙)
1 Tigrex Agito (轟竜のアギト)

Cost: 50000z

Saw Slicers Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Saw DS Render (From Duel Matched Slicers)


Saw Slicers

6 Dragonite Ore (ドラグライト鉱石)
5 Thunderbug (雷光虫)
6 Zuwaroposu Hide (垂皮竜の皮)

Cost: 3920z
MHP3rd Saw DS Render (From Saw Slicers)


Saw Slicers+

6 Carbalite Ore (カブレライト鉱石)
5 Voltabug (超電雷光虫)
6 Zuwaroposu Hide+ (垂皮竜の上皮)

Cost: 45000z
MHP3rd Saw DS Render (From Saw Slicers+)



6 Gracium (グラシスメタル)
4 Thunder Sac (電撃袋)
20 Carbalite Ore (カブレライト鉱石)

Cost: 50000z

51st Division Clubs Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Sand Gobul DS Render (From Matched Slicers+)


51st Division Clubs

2 Nibelsnarf Claw (潜口竜の爪)
4 Nibelsnarf Shell (潜口竜の甲殻)
4 Nibelsnarf Skin (潜口竜の皮)
6 Monster Bone S (竜骨【小】)

Cost: 5880z
4 Nibelsnarf Shell (潜口竜の甲殻)
2 Nibelsnarf Skin (潜口竜の皮)
4 Iron Ore (鉄鉱石)
4 Bone (棒状の骨)

Cost: 3920z
MHP3rd Sand Gobul DS Render (From 51st Division Clubs)


51st Division Clubs+

6 Nibelsnarf Shell (潜口竜の甲殻)
1 Nibelsnarf Skull (潜口竜の頭殻)
2 Mohran Brace (峯山龍の腕甲)

Cost: 15000z
MHP3rd Sand Gobul DS Render (From 51st Division Clubs+)


Nibelsnarf Twin Swords

4 Nibelsnarf Shell+ (潜口竜の堅殻)
2 Nibelsnarf Skin+ (潜口竜の上皮)
4 Bird Wyvern Bone (上質な鳥竜骨)

Cost: 60000z

Bone Scythe Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Bone DS Render (From Yukumo Blades)


Bone Scythe

4 Bone (棒状の骨)
4 Bird Wyvern Fang (鳥竜種の牙)

Cost: 1680z
2 Bone (棒状の骨)
2 Bird Wyvern Fang (鳥竜種の牙)

Cost: 1120z
MHP3rd Bone DS Render (From Bone Scythe)


Bone Scythe+

2 Monster Bone M (竜骨【中】)
4 Sharpened Fang (とがった牙)

Cost: 2560z

Ludroth Twins Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Ludroth DS Render (From Bone Scythe+)


Ludroth Twins

2 Spongy Hide (海綿質の皮)
4 Immature Sponge (未熟な海綿質)
6 Bone (棒状の骨)
2 Water Sac (水袋)

Cost: 3920z
MHP3rd Ludroth DS Render (From Ludroth Twins)


Ludroth Twins+

4 R.Ludroth Scale (水獣の鱗)
2 R.Ludroth Tail (水獣の尻尾)
1 R.Ludroth Crest (水獣のトサカ)
2 Doboru Tail (尾槌竜の尾甲)

Cost: 7600z
MHP3rd Ludroth DS Render (From Ludroth Twins+)


Dual Ludroth

2 Spongy Hide+ (海綿質の上皮)
4 Ludroth Hide+ (水生獣の上皮)
6 Bird Wyvern Bone (上質な鳥竜骨)
2 Aqueous Sac (大水袋)

Cost: 55000z

Twin Flames Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Rath DS Render (From Bone Scythe+)
ツインフレイムTwin Flames
4 Rathalos Scale (火竜の鱗)
4 Rathian Scale (雌火竜の鱗)
2 Rathalos Webbing (火竜の翼膜)
2 Rathian Webbing (雌火竜の翼膜)

Cost: 5600z
MHP3rd Rath DS Render (From Twin Flames)
ツインハイフレイムHi Twin Flames
3 Rathalos Tail (火竜の尻尾)
2 Rathian Spike (雌火竜の棘)
2 Rath Marrow (火竜の骨髄)
3 Igneous Thorax (赤熱した胸殻)

Cost: 20000z
MHP3rd Rath DS Render (From Hi Twin Flames)
双剣リュウノツガイGradios Ultimus
8 Rathalos Scale+ (火竜の上鱗)
8 Rathian Scale+ (雌火竜の上鱗)
1 Rathalos Plate (火竜の逆鱗)
1 Rathian Plate (雌火竜の逆鱗)

Cost: 65000z
Corpse Blades
(From Gradius Ultimus)
ゲキリュウノツガイCorpse Blades
6 Slvr Rthlos Scl+ (銀火竜の上鱗)
6 Gld Rathian Scl+ (金火竜の上鱗)
1 Rathalos Ruby (火竜の紅玉)
1 Rathian Ruby (雌火竜の紅玉)

Cost: 75000z

Dual Diablos Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Diablos DS Render (From Bone Scythe+)

Dual Diablos

2 Twisted Horn (ねじれた角)
4 Diablos Tailcase (角竜の尾甲)
4 Diablos Fang (角竜の牙)

Cost: 20000z
MHP3rd Diablos DS Render (From Dual Diablos)

Dual Diablos+

6 Diablos Ridge (角竜の背甲)
2 Diablos Marrow (角竜の骨髄)
2 Sharp Bone (尖竜骨)
6 King Scarab (王族カナブン)

Cost: 40000z
MHP3rd Diablos DS Render (From Dual Diablos+)

Twin Diablos Cudgels

2 Majestic Horn (ねじれた角)
4 Diablos Ridge+ (角竜の堅甲)
2 Diablos BrnStm (角竜の延髄)

Cost: 70000z

Jaggi Shotel Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd G.Jaggi DS Render (From Yukumo Blades)

Jaggi Shotel

2 Jaggi Scale (ジャギィの鱗)
2 Jaggi Hide (ジャギィの皮)
4 Bird Wyvern Fang (鳥竜種の牙)
2 Iron Ore (鉄鉱石)

Cost: 800z
MHP3rd G.Jaggi DS Render (From Jaggi Shotel)

Jaggi Shotel+

2 Great Jaggi Claw (狗竜の爪)
4 Great Jaggi Hide (狗竜の皮)
6 Earth Crystal (大地の結晶)

Cost: 1520z
MHP3rd G.Jaggi DS Render (From Jaggi Shotel+)

Leader Shotel

2 Great Baggi Claw (眠狗竜の爪)
2 King's Frill (王者のエリマキ)
4 Uroktor Scale (溶岩獣の鱗)
4 Dosufurogi Shell (毒狗竜の腕甲)

Cost: 3920z

Flamestorm Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Agnaktor DS Render (From Leader Shotel)
6 Agnaktor Shell (炎戈竜の甲殻)
4 Agnaktor Hide (炎戈竜の皮)
2 Red Hot Chest Shell (赤熱した胸殻)
8 Uroktor Scale (溶岩獣の鱗)

Cost: 30000z
4 Agnaktor Shell (炎戈竜の甲殻)
2 Agnaktor Hide (炎戈竜の皮)
2 Agnaktor Fin (炎戈竜のヒレ)
4 Agnaktor Scale (炎戈竜の燃鱗)

Cost: 20000z
MHP3rd Agnaktor DS Render (From Flamestorm)
4 Agnaktor Carapace (炎戈竜の堅殻)
2 Agnaktor Hide+ (炎戈竜の上皮)
4 Agnaktor Fin+ (炎戈竜の上ヒレ)
8 Uroktor Scale+ (溶岩獣の上鱗)

Cost: 70000z


(From Flamestorm)
4 Ice Agnaktor Shell (凍戈竜の堅殻)
2 Ice Agnaktor Hide (凍戈竜の上皮)
2 Ice Agnaktor Fin (凍戈竜の上ヒレ)
1 Ice Agnaktor Snout (凍戈竜の碇口)

Cost: 50000z


(From Aquastorm)
4 (?) (凍戈竜の堅殻)
4 (?) (潤った堅胸殻)
1 (?) (嵐気胞)

Cost: 70000z

Hidden Ones Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Narga DS Render (From Leader Shotel)
ヒドゥガーHidden Ones
8 (Nargacuga Wing) (迅竜の刃翼)
4 (Narga Scale) (迅竜の鱗)
1 (Narga Marrow) (迅竜の骨髄)
4 (Monster Bone+) (上竜骨)

Cost: 22500z
4 (Nargacuga Wing) (迅竜の刃翼)
2 (Narga Scale) (迅竜の鱗)
4 (Nargacuga Fang) (迅竜の牙)

Cost: 15000z
MHP3rd Narga DS Render (From Hidden Ones)
ヒドゥガー改Hidden Ones+
6 (Black Narga Pelt) (迅竜の黒毛)
4 (Narga Tail Spike) (迅竜の尾棘)
2 (Narga Marrow) (迅竜の骨髄)
4 (Sharp Monster Bone) (尖竜骨)

Cost: 35000z
MHP3rd Narga DS Render (From Hidden Ones+)
夜天連刃【黒翼】Black Wing Edge
8 (?) (迅竜の鋭刃翼)
4 (?) (迅竜の上鱗)
1 (?) (迅竜の延髄)

Cost: 65000z
Naruga green

Virnar Slicers

(From Hidden Ones+)
ギリーダガーGreen Dagger
4 (?) (緑迅竜の鋭刃翼)
2 (?) (緑迅竜の上鱗)
4 (?) (緑迅竜の鋭牙)

Cost: 45000z
Naruga green

Virnar Slicers

(From Green Dagger)
旋風連刃【裏黒翼】Cyclone Wing Edge
6 (?) (緑迅竜の鋭刃翼)
4 (?) (緑迅竜の上斑毛)
1 (?) (迅竜の延髄)
4 (?) (堅竜骨)

Cost: 65000z

Blood Wing Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Gigginox DS Render (From Jaggi Shotel+)
ブラッドウイングBlood Wing
2 (Gigginox Claw) (毒怪竜の爪)
4 (Gigginox Hide) (毒怪竜の皮)
4 (Uncanny Hide) (不気味な皮)
8 (Poison Sac) (毒袋)

Cost: 7080z
2 (Gigginox Hide) (毒怪竜の皮)
2 (Uncanny Hide) (不気味な皮)
2 (Eerie Poison Gland) (不気味な毒腺)
4 (Monster Bone L) (竜骨【大】)

Cost: 4720z
MHP3rd Gigginox DS Render (From Blood Wing)
ブラッドウイング改Blood Wing+
2 (Gigginox Claw) (毒怪竜の爪)
1 (Fearsome Jaw) (おそろしいクチ)
4 (Toxin Sac) (猛毒袋)
2 (Strong Bone) (尖竜骨)

Cost: 35000z
MHP3rd Gigginox DS Render (From Blood Wing+)
ヴェノムウィングVenom Wing
4 (?) (毒怪竜の上皮)
4 (?) (不気味な上皮)
4 (?) (不気味な猛毒腺)

Cost: 60000z
(From Blood Wing+)
ボルトガイストBolt Geist
4 (Thunder Gigginox Hide) (電怪竜の上皮)
4 (?) (不気味な上皮)
2 (?) (電撃袋)

Cost: 40000z
(From Bolt Geist)
双翼刃ギギボルトGiggi Bolt Wing Blade
2 (Thunder Gigginox Claw) (電怪竜の鋭爪)
2 (Fearsome Jaw) (おそろしいクチ)
4 (Jinouga Charger+) (J雷狼竜の高電殻)
1 (Wyvern Stone) (竜玉)

Cost: 60000z

Snow Twins Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHp3rd Ice DS Render (From Jaggi Shotel+)

Snow Twins

6 (Urukususu Pelt) (白兎獣の毛)
2 (Urukususu Beak) (白兎獣の腹甲)
2 (Urukususu Claw) (白兎獣の氷爪)

Cost: 3920z
MHp3rd Ice DS Render (From Snow Twins)

Snow Twins+

4 (Urukususu Beak) (白兎獣の腹甲)
2 (Urukususu Ear) (白兎獣の耳)
2 (Frost Sac) (氷結袋)

Cost: 6560z
MHp3rd Ice DS Render (From Snow Twins+)

Snow Gemini

6 (Urukususu Pelt+) (白兎獣の剛毛)
4 (
Urukususu Scute+) (白兎獣の堅腹甲)
2 (
Urukususu Claw+) (白兎獣の凍爪)
2 (Frozen Mucus) (凍った粘液塊)

Cost: 35000z

Miscellaneous Paths[]

Dumplings Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd White Dumplings


Hunter Dumplings

2 (Yukumo Wood) (ユクモの木)
2 (Sap Plant) (ネンチャク草)
1 (Honey) (ハチミツ)

Cost: 840z
MHP3rd White Dumplings (From Hunter Dumplings)
狩団子【白玉】上White Dumplings
2 (ExciteShroom) (ドキドキノコ)
4 (Yukumo Wood) (ユクモの木)
2 (Bulldrome Tusk) (大猪の牙)

Cost: 1520z
MHP3rd White Dumplings (From White Dumplings)
狩団子【白玉】雅Pearl Dumplings
1 (Commendation) (勇気の証)
2 (Lifecrystals) (生命の粉)
5 (Glossy Hide) (なめらかな皮)
2 (Barioth Pelt) (氷牙竜の毛皮)

Cost: 3920z
MHP3rd Green Dumpling DS Render (From White Dumplings)
狩団子【霜降玉】Green Dumplings
4 (Snow Herb) (霜ふり草)
2 (Lifecrystals) (生命の粉)
3 (Zuwaroposu Hide) (垂皮竜の皮)

Cost: 2560z
MHP3rd Green Dumpling DS Render (From Green Dumplings)
狩団子【霜降玉】雅(Jade Dumplings)
4 (?) (ユクモの堅木)
5 (?) (白兎獣の氷爪)
3 (?) (垂皮竜の上皮)

Cost: 20000z
MHP3rd Pink Dumpling DS Render (From White Dumplings)
狩団子【火薬玉】Pink Dumplings
1 (Flintstone) (火打石)
4 (Fire Herb) (火薬草)
2 (Vibrant Down) (極彩色の羽根)

Cost: 2560z
MHP3rd Pink Dumpling DS Render (From Pink Dumplings)
狩団子【火薬玉】雅Garnet Dumplings
4 (?) (ユクモの堅木)
4 (?) (紅蓮石)
8 (?) (フロギィの上鱗)

Cost: 20000z
MHP3rd Orange Dumplings DS Render (From White Dumplings)
狩団子【雷光玉】Yellow Dumplings
4 (Thunderbug) (雷光虫)
2 (Lifecrystals) (生命の粉)

2 (Spongy Hide) (海綿質の皮)
Cost: 2560z

MHP3rd Orange Dumplings DS Render (From Yellow Dumplings)
狩団子【雷光玉】雅Beryl Dumplings
4 (?) (ユクモの堅木)
4 (?) (超電雷光虫)
2 (?) (海綿質の上皮)

Cost: 20000z
MHP3rd Purple Dumpling DS Render (From Hunter Dumplings)
狩団子【毒天狗玉】Purple Dumplings
4 (Toadstool) (毒テングダケ)
2 (Lifecrystals) (生命の粉)
2 (Grt Froggi Hide) (毒狗竜の皮)

Cost: 2000z
MHP3rd Purple Dumpling DS Render (From Purple Dumplings)
狩団子【毒天狗玉】雅Charoite Dumplings
4 (?) (ユクモの堅木)
2 (?) (猛毒袋)
10 (?) (毒テングダケ)
2 (?) (紫水獣の上鱗)

Cost: 25000z

True Yukumo Blades Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Yukumo- DS Render


True Yukumo Blades

1 Yukumo Ticket (ユクモチケット)
10 Yukumo Wood (ユクモの木)
10 Dragonite Ore (ドラグライト鉱石)

Cost: 15000z
MHP3rd Yukumo- DS Render (From True Yukumo Blades)

True Yukumo Blades+

5 Yukumo Hardwood (ユクモの堅木)
8 Carbalite Ore (カブレライト鉱石)
5 Quality Sac (上質な腹袋)

Cost: 30000z
MHP3rd Yukumo- DS Render (From True Yukumo Blades+)

Yukumo Ritual Dancers

8 Yukumo Hardwood (ユクモの堅木)
8 Union Ore (ユニオン鉱石)
3 Uragaan Marrow (爆鎚竜の骨髄)
3 Barioth Claw+ (氷牙竜の鋭爪)

Cost: 50000z

Jinouga Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Jinouga DS Render


Lords Of Thunder

2 Jinouga Horn (雷狼竜の角)
1 Jinouga Claw (雷狼竜の爪)
1 Jinouga Volt Fur (雷狼竜の帯電毛)
4 Jinouga Shell (雷狼竜の甲殻)

Cost: 24000z
MHP3rd Jinouga DS Render (From Lords Of Thunder)

Gods Of Thunder

4 Jinouga Horn+ (雷狼竜の尖角)
2 Jinouga Claw+ (雷狼竜の尖爪)
2 JinougaElctroFur (雷狼竜の高電毛)
1 Jinouga Ruby (雷狼竜の碧玉)

Cost: 80000z

Worn Blades Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
Worn Blades


Worn Blades

1 AncientStone
Worn Blades
(From Worn Blades)
風化した双剣Weathered Blades
30 Earth Crystal (大地の結晶)
5 Monster Broth (モンスターの濃汁)
2 Commendation (勇気の証)

Cost: 10000z
Eternal Schism
(From Weathered Blades)
封龍剣【超絶一門】Eternal Schism
70 Earth Crystal (大地の結晶)
5 Dragonbone Relic (いにしえの龍骨)
3 Commendation G (勇気の証G)

Cost: 55555z

Double Blades Of Fury Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
MHP3rd Deviljho DS Render


Double Blades Of Fury

4 Deviljho Fang (恐暴竜の大牙)
2 Deviljho Scalp (恐暴竜の頭殻)
6 Deviljho Hide (恐暴竜の黒皮)

Cost: 66666z
MHP3rd Deviljho DS Render (From Double Blades Of Fury)

Last Predator

6 Deviljho Scale (恐暴竜の黒鱗)
5 Deviljho Saliva (恐暴竜の唾液)
1 Deviljho Gem (恐暴竜の宝玉)

Cost: 85000z

Akantor Blades Path[]

Image Name
MHP3rd Akantor DS Render


Akantor Blades

7 Akantor Shell 覇竜の堅殻
7 Akantor Claw 覇竜の剛爪
2 Akantor Scale 覇竜の上鱗
1 Akantor Gem 覇竜の宝玉
Cost: 99999z

UkanlosRuinerBlades Path[]

Image Name
MHP3rd Ukanlos DS Render



4 StrongUkanlosFin 崩竜の上ビレ
6 UkanlosUnderscl 崩竜の腹鱗
2 UkanlosShovelJaw 崩竜の削顎
1 Ukanlos Jewel 崩竜の宝玉
Cost: 99999z

Fierce Storm Fan Path

Image Name
MHP3rd Amatsu DS Render


Fierce Storm Fan

2 Amatsu Horn 嵐龍の角
4 Amatsu Wing 嵐龍の飛膜
4 Amatsu Sharp Clw 嵐龍の鋭爪
1 Storm Dragon Jewel 天空の龍玉
Cost: 120000z

Pirate J's Edge Path[]

Image Name Creation Upgrading
Pirate J's Edge

Pirate J's Edge


Pirate J's Edge

5 Treasure J Ticket (財宝Jチケット)
5 Rathalos Shell (火竜の甲殻)
5 Agnaktor Claw (炎戈竜の爪)
10 Dragonite Ore (ドラグライト鉱石)

Cost: 30000z
Great Pirate J's Edge

Great Pirate J's Edge

(From Pirate J's Edge)

Great Pirate J's Edge

6 Treasure J Ticket (財宝Jチケット)
6 RathalosCarapace (恐暴竜の唾液)
5 Agnaktor Claw+ (炎戈竜の鋭爪)
3 Wyvern Stone (竜玉)

Cost: 50000z