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Armor Piece Slots Description
MH3icon-Helm Guild Bard Lobos
Scholar's Beret
--- Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. Features a colorful feather.
MH3icon-Plate Guild Bard Bolero
Scholar's Blouse
--- Foreign knight equipment that few are permitted to wear. Redolent of chilvalry.
MH3icon-Gauntlets Guild Bard Braces
Scholar's Gloves
--- Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. Imbued with knightly pride.
MH3icon-Waist Guild Bard Coil
Scholar's Skirt
--- Equipment used by foreign Guild Knight city defenders. Not usually worn by hunters.
MH3icon-Leggings Guild Bard Boots
Scholar's Socks
--- Leg armor used by foreign Guild Knights. Full of chivalrous honor.


Materials Required Cost
MH3icon-Helm Pinnacle Coin x1, Great Jaggi Coin x4, Qurupeco Coin x4, Barroth Coin x3 10000z
MH3icon-Plate Pinnacle Coin x1, Great Jaggi Coin x4, Qurupeco Coin x4, Barroth Coin x3 10000z
MH3icon-Gauntlets Pinnacle Coin x1, Rathian Coin x3, Lagiacrus Coin x3, Uragaan Coin x2 10000z
MH3icon-Waist Pinnacle Coin x1, Rathian Coin x3, Lagiacrus Coin x3, Uragaan Coin x2 10000z
MH3icon-Leggings Pinnacle Coin x1, Gobul Coin x4, Rathalos Coin x4, Barioth Coin x3 10000z
Total Pinnacle Coin x5, Great Jaggi Coin x8, Qurupeco Coin x8, Barroth Coin x6, Rathian Coin x6, Lagiacrus Coin x6, Uragaan Coin x4, Gobul Coin x4, Rathalos Coin x4, Barioth Coin x3 50000z


Pieces of this armour can be upgraded to rarity 6 along with high rank defense after reaching upgrade level 6

Materials Required Cost
MH3icon-Helm Hunter King Coin x1 5,400z
MH3icon-Plate Hunter King Coin x1 5,400z
MH3icon-Gauntlets Hunter King Coin x1 5,400z
MH3icon-Waist Hunter King Coin x1 5,400z
MH3icon-Leggings Hunter King Coin x1 5,400z
Total Hunter King Coin x5 27,000z

Armor Stats[]


Fir Wat Ice Thn Drg
MH3icon-Helm 15 0 0 0 0 0
MH3icon-Plate 15 0 0 0 0 0
MH3icon-Gauntlets 15 0 0 0 0 0
MH3icon-Waist 15 0 0 0 0 0
MH3icon-Leggings 15 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 75 0 0 0 0 0


Skill Skill Points Skill Effects
MH3icon-Helm MH3icon-Plate MH3icon-Gauntlets MH3icon-Waist MH3icon-Leggings Total
Evasion +4 +3 +3 +2 Torso Up +15 Evasion +2
Psychic +2 +2 +5 +4 Torso Up +15 Autotracker
Fate +2 +1 +2 +4 Torso Up +10 Good Luck
Sense -3 -3 -1 -1 Torso Up -11 Taunt


  • A great armour to use at the start of high rank, as it can be overforged to rare 6 right away upon reaching HR31, all that are needed are Hunter King Coins which can be obtained from any high rank arena quest.
  • Slotting choice is almost non-existent, but with evasion+2, and good luck without sacrificing defense for using a jaggi mask, it's still quite a good functional set. good charms to use with this set would be C+10s . Capture guru works well with autotracker.
  • Taunt can actually be used as an advantageous skill for hammer users and generally skilled players, as it allows you to keep on the offense without having to chase the monster half way across the map/land Superpounds on the monster as it turns towards you.
  • The female version of the Guild Armor (Scholar) is similar to the clothing of the Guild Sweethearts in Loc Lac City.
  • The male version of the Guild Armour (Guild bard) resembles the red mage outfit from the final fantasy series