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MHRise Item Icon-Great Sword White Important Notes
Sharpness: See top bar for original sharpness level. The lower bar represents your weapon's sharpness in conjunction with the Handicraft skill, Sharpness +1

Awakening: Values in parenthesis require the Awaken armor skill.

Iron Path
Weapon Name Rare Attack
Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
Great Sword Icon WhiteIron Sword 1 288 N/A 50 Ice IronGS-shrp1 0% ---
Indent01 Great Sword Icon WhiteIron Sword+ 1 336 N/A 80 Ice IronGS-shrp2 0% ---
IndentIndent02 Great Sword Icon WhiteBuster Sword 1 384 N/A 100 Ice BusterGS-shrp1 0% ---
IndentIndent03Indent01 Great Sword Icon PurpleBuster Sword+ 2 528 N/A 120 Ice BusterGS-shrp2 0% ---
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon PurpleBuster Blade 2 624 N/A 150 Ice BusterGS-shrp3 0% O
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon YellowRavager Blade 3 720(728) N/A 200 Ice BlazeGS-shrp1 5% O +12
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon PinkRavager Blade+ 4 816(825) N/A 220 Ice BlazeGS-shrp2 5% O +16
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent02 Great Sword Icon PinkLacerator Blade 4 864(874) N/A 260 Ice UpperBlazeGS-shrp1 5% OO +18
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent03Indent01 Great Sword Icon GreenMutilator Blade 5 912(934) N/A 300 Ice UpperBlazeGS-shrp2 10% OO +20
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon PinkBrazenwall 4 1008 N/A 200 Fir GankinGS-shrp1 0% --- +30
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon BlueCrimsonwall 6 1104 N/A 250 Fir GankinGS-shrp2 0% --- +40
IndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon WhiteRugged Great Sword 1 480 N/A 110 Slp RoughGS-shrp1 0% O
IndentIndentIndent02 Great Sword Icon PurpleChieftain's Grt Swd 2 624 N/A 170 Slp RoughGS-shrp2 0% OO
IndentIndentIndent03Indent02 Great Sword Icon PinkHigh Chief's Grt Swd 4 864 N/A 220 Slp RoughGS-shrp3 0% OOO
IndentIndentIndent03Indent01 Great Sword Icon PurpleLagiacrus Blade 2 672 180 Thn N/A LagiaGS-shrp1 0% ---
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent02 Great Sword Icon YellowLagia Lightning (R) 3 768 230 Thn N/A LagiaGS-shrp2 0% O
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent01 Great Sword Icon GreenLagia Bluebolt (P) 5 864 330 Thn N/A LagiaGS-shrp2a 0% OO
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent02 Great Sword Icon YellowLagia Lightning (Y) 3 720(747) 230 Thn N/A LagiaGS-shrp2 15% O
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent01 Great Sword Icon GreenLagia Bluebolt (G) 5 816(846) 330 Thn N/A LagiaGS-shrp2a 15% OO
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon PinkHigh Lagia Blade 4 816 280 Thn N/A LagiaGS-shrp3 0% ---
IndentIndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon BlueLagia Wildfire (P) 6 912 360 Thn N/A LagiaGS-shrp3a 0% O
IndentIndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon PurpleCarapace Sword 2 672(621) N/A 180 Wat BarrothGS-shrp1 -30% ---
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon YellowCarapace Blade 3 768(710) N/A 250 Wat BarrothGS-shrp2 -30% ---
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon PinkBarroth Wedge 4 912(843) N/A 270 Wat BarrothGS-shrp3 -30% ---
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Great Sword Icon BlueBarroth Smasher 6 1056(925) N/A 330 Wat BarrothGS-shrp4 -50% ---
Bone Path
Weapon Name Rare Attack
Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
Bone Blade 1 336 N/A 100 Psn BoneGS-shrp1 0% ---
Indent01 Bone Blade+ 1 384 N/A 130 Psn BoneGS-shrp2 0% ---
IndentIndent02 Jawblade 1 480 N/A 150 Psn AgitoGS-sharp1 0% O
IndentIndent03Indent01 Giant Jawblade 2 576 N/A 190 Psn AgitoGS-sharp2 0% O
IndentIndent03IndentIndent02 Golem Blade 2 624 N/A 150 Para GolemGS-sharp 0% O
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent02 Golem Blade+ 3 768 N/A 180 Para GolemGS-sharp1 0% OO
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent03Indent01 Blade of Talos 5 912 N/A 220 Para GolemGS-sharp2 0% OO
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent01 Valkyrie Blade 2 672 N/A 230 Psn Valkyrie-sharp 0% ---
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent02 Sieglinde 3 720 320 Psn N/A Sieglinde-sharp1 0% O
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent02 High Sieglinde (P) 5 960 440 Psn N/A Sieglinde-sharp2 0% OO
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent01 High Sieglinde (G) 5 912(946) 440 Psn N/A Sieglinde-sharp2 15% OO
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Siegmund 3 768(796) N/A 150 Fir Sieglinde-sharp1 15% O
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 High Siegmund 6 960(1032) N/A 240 Fir Siegmund-sharp2 30% O
IndentIndent03IndentIndent02 Red Wing 2 624 210 Fir N/A RathGS-shrp1 0% ---
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03Indent01 Rathalos Firesword 3 672 420 Fir N/A RathGS-shrp2 0% O
IndentIndent03IndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Rathalos Flamesword 6 816 560 Fir N/A RathGS-shrp3 0% O
IndentIndent03IndentIndent01 Wyvern Jawblade 3 720 N/A 250 Psn DrgnAgitoGS-shrp1 0% OO
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndent01 Quarrel Hornsword 4 912(867) N/A 50 Wat BlosGS-shrp1 -20% ---
IndentIndent03IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Diablos Hornsword 6 1008(958) N/A 110 Wat BlosGS-shrp2 -20% ---
IndentIndent01 Ludroth Bone Sword 2 480 N/A 150 Wat DorosGS-shrp1 0% ---
IndentIndentIndent01 Ludroth Bone Sword+ 2 528 210 Wat N/A DorosGS-shrp2 0% O
IndentIndentIndentIndent01 Cataclysm Sword 3 624 320 Wat N/A RoalGS-shrp1 0% O
IndentIndentIndentIndentIndent01 Cataclysm Blade 5 768 450 Wat N/A RoalGS-shrp2 0% OO
Crystal Path
Weapon Name Rare Attack
Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
Vulcanis 2 624 N/A 190 Fir VolgaGS-shrp 0% O
Indent02 Vulcanvil (R) 3 720 N/A 260 Fir VolgaGS-shrp1 0% OO
Indent03Indent01 Vulcamagnon (P) 6 912 N/A 350 Fir VolgaGS-shrp1a 0% OOO
Indent02 Vulcanvil (B) 3 672 N/A 260 Fir VolgaGS-shrp1 0% OOO
Indent03Indent02 Vulcamagnon (P) 6 912 N/A 350 Fir VolgaGS-shrp1a 0% OOO
Indent03Indent01 Vulcamagnon (G) 6 864(896) N/A 350 Fir VolgaGS-shrp1a 15% OOO
Indent01 Vulcanvil (Y) 3 672(697) N/A 260 Fir VolgaGS-shrp1 15% OO
IndentIndent01 Vulcamagnon (G) 6 864(896) N/A 350 Fir VolgaGS-shrp1a 15% OOO
Ceadeus Path
Weapon Name Rare Attack Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
Viking Hornsword 3 672 440 Wat N/A NavalGS-shrp1 0% O
Indent01 Ancharius Sword 6 816 500 Wat N/A NavalGS-shrp2 0% O
Rust Path
Weapon Name Rare Attack
Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
Rusted Great Sword 1 480(397) N/A 10 Drg RustGS-sharp1 -70% ---
Indent01 Tarnished Grt Sword 1 480(397) N/A 10 Drg RustGS-sharp2 -70% ---
IndentIndent01 Ancient Blade 3 720 330 Drg N/A AncntGS-sharp1 0% ---
IndentIndentIndent01 Elder Monument 5 864 350 Drg N/A AncntGS-sharp2 0% ---
Ancient Path
Weapon Name Rare Attack
Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
Worn Great Sword 4 528(436) N/A 10 Drg A-Rust-GS-sharp1 -70% ---
Indent01Weathered Grt Sword 4 528(436) N/A 10 Drg A-Rust-GS-sharp2 -70% ---
IndentIndent01 Epitaph Blade 6 912 380 Drg N/A Epitaph-sharp 0% ---
Deviljho Path
Weapon Name Rare Attack
Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
Berserker Sword 5 864(874) 100 Drg N/A IbiGS-shrp1 5% ---
Indent02 Anguish (P) 7 960(971) 150 Drg N/A IbiGS-shrp2 5% O
Indent01 Anguish (G) 7 912(957) 150 Drg N/A IbiGS-shrp2 20% O
Alatreon Path
Weapon Name Rare Attack Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
Alatreon Great Sword 6 816 350 Drg N/A AlbaGS-shrp1 0% O
Indent01 Alatreon Revolution 7 864 400 Drg N/A AlbaGS-shrp2 0% OO
Coliseum Series
Weapon Name Rare Attack Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
Proto Razor 3 720 N/A 300 Psn ChromeRazor-shrp1 0% OO
Indent01 Chrome Razor 5 864 N/A 350 Psn ChromeRazor-shrp2 0% OOO
True Cutter Sword (Japan only event)
Weapon Name Rare Attack Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
True Cutter Sword 6 960 N/A 300 Drg KodanshaGS-sharp 0% OO
Lion's Bane (US/EU only event)
Weapon Name Rare Attack Element Awakening Sharpness Affinity Slots Def
Lion's Bane 6 960 N/A 300 Drg KodanshaGS-sharp 0% OO ?