Monster Hunter Wiki
Monster Hunter Wiki
MHRise Item Icon-Question Mark Red Unofficial Japanese Translations
Some names in this Article may use unofficial translations, these are obtained through different means, official localizations from other games in the series take precedent over fan translations where possible, otherwise the Staff will provide temporary translations.


MHP3 Navi Areas MHP3 Navi Monsters MHP3 Navi Weapons MHP3 Navi Armors MHP3 Navi FarmGuide MHP3 Navi CombinationList MHP3 Navi ItemList MHP3 Navi FelyneComrade MHP3 Navi FelyneWeapons MHP3 Navi FelyneArmors MHP3 Navi Village MHP3 Navi VillageQuests MHP3 Navi GuildQuests MHP3 Navi ColiseumGuide MHP3 Navi AwardsTitles MHP3 Navi MonsterDrops MHP3 Navi DrinkQuests MHP3 Navi DownloadQuests

In the "Locations" section, this gives an example of places the item can be found. This is by no means the only place the item can be found.

Book Tools[]

Book Tools
Japanese Name Translated Rare Value Other Information
Book-Grey 調合書①入門編 Book of Combos 1 4 100z
Book-Grey 調合書②初級編 Book of Combos 2 4 200z
Book-White 調合書③中級編 Book of Combos 3 4 500z
Book-White 調合書④上級編 Book of Combos 4 5 1000z
Book-Yellow 調合書⑤達人編 Book of Combos 5 5 1500z
ItemIcon026e 収納上手・技の書 Organizer Guide 4 0z
ItemIcon026d 収納上手・力の書 Pack Rat Guide 5 0z

Enhancements and Recovery Items[]

Enhancements and Recovery Items
Japanese Name Translated Rare Value Other Information
ItemIcon043c 回復薬 Potion 1 7z
ItemIcon043c 回復薬グレート Mega Potion 2 16z
ItemIcon043f 栄養剤 Nutrients 2 25z
ItemIcon043f 栄養剤グレート Mega Nutrients 3 92z
ItemIcon043e 解毒薬 Antidote 1 6z
ItemIcon045 漢方薬 Herbal Medicine 2 25z
ItemIcon043b 活力剤 Immunizer 3 92z
ItemIcon043b 元気ドリンコ Energy Drink 2 6z
ItemIcon043b 強走薬 Dash Juice 2 29z
ItemIcon043b 強走薬グレート Mega Dash Juice 3 205z

Enhancements and Recovery Items
Name Rare Value Locations
ItemIcon043d 鬼人薬
4 67z Combine Power Seed + Catalyst
ItemIcon043d 鬼人薬グレート
Mega Demondrug
5 283z Combine Demondrug + Pale Extract
ItemIcon045g 怪力の丸薬
Might Pill
1 280z Combine Power Seed + Immunizer
ItemIcon043a 硬化薬
4 58z Combine Armor Seed + Catalyst
ItemIcon043a 硬化薬グレート
Mega Armorskin
5 269z Combine Armorskin + Pale Extract
ItemIcon045c 忍耐の丸薬
Adamant Pill
1 260z Combine Armor Seed + Immunizer
ItemIcon043 クーラードリンク
Cool Drink
1 30z Bought from village shop, or combine Bitterbug + Ice Crystal
ItemIcon043d ホットドリンク
Hot Drink
1 25z Bought from village shop, or combine Bitterbug + Hot Pepper
ItemIcon043f 消散剤
2 14z Combine Popfish + Catalyst
ItemIcon038b 消臭玉
2 8z Combine Bomb Casing + Frost Herb
ItemIcon043a 千里眼の薬
3 300z Bought from the salesman near the village chief
ItemIcon045e 秘薬
Max Potion
3 210z Combine Mega Nutrients + Dragon Toadstool
ItemIcon045g いにしえの秘薬
Ancient Potion
5 345z Combine Immunizer + Kelbi Horn
ItemIcon045 生命の粉
3 59z Combine Godbug + Wyvern Fang
ItemIcon045 生命の粉塵
4 315z Combine Lifecrystals + Wyvern Claw
ItemIcon045a 増強剤
2 48z Bought from the salesman near the village chief, or combine Bitterbug + Honey
ItemIcon043d 捕獲用麻酔薬
4 15z Bought from village shop, or combine Sleep Herb + Parashroom
ItemIcon045g 力の護符
5 3600z Bought from village shop
ItemIcon036b 力の爪
5 6840z Combine Powercharm + Deviljho Talon
ItemIcon045c 守りの護符
5 2400z Bought from village shop
ItemIcon036c 守りの爪
5 5040z Combine Armorcharm + Deviljho Talon

Meat/Fish Items[]

Meat/Fish Items
Name Rare Value Locations
ItemIcon020e 生肉
Raw Meat
1 5z Herbivores, such as Aptonoth or Popo
ItemIcon020d 毒生肉
Poisoned Meat
1 19z Buy from the salesman near the village chief, or combine Raw Meat + Toadstool
ItemIcon020c シビレ生肉
Tainted Meat
2 30z Buy from the salesman near the village chief, or combine Raw Meat + Parashroom
ItemIcon020b 眠り生肉
Drugged Meat
1 32z Buy from the salesman near the village chief, or combine Raw Meat + Sleep Herb
ItemIcon020f 生焼け肉
Rare Steak
1 3z Cook Raw Meat so that it slightly darkens
ItemIcon020f こんがり肉
Well-Done Steak
2 48z Cook Raw meat to the second stage of darkening
ItemIcon020a コゲ肉
Burnt Meat
1 1z Cook Raw meat for a long period of time
ItemIcon020b クーラーミート
Cold Meat
1 30z Combine Well Done Steak + Ice Crystal
ItemIcon020e ホットミート
Hot Meat
1 25z Combine Well Done Steak + Hot Pepper
ItemIcon016b 生焼け魚
Rare Fish
1 2z Cook fish so that it slightly darkens
ItemIcon016d こんがり魚
Gourmet Fish
2 2z Cook fish to the second level of darkening
ItemIcon016a コゲ魚
Burnt Fish
1 1z Cook fish for a long period of time
Egg-Silver ユクモ温泉たまご
Yukumo Egg
2 1z Obtained from the "Egg" near the enterance to Yukumo Farm

Tools/Tool Materials[]

Tools/Tool Materials
Name Rare Value Locations
ItemIcon055a ブーメラン
4 15z Bought from the village shop, or combine Whetstone + Monster Bone S
ItemIcon025 素材玉
Bomb Material
1 15z Bought from the salesman near the village chief, or combine Sap Plant + Stone
ItemIcon025i ペイントボール
1 10z In the item box in most quests, or combine Sap Plant + Paintberry
ItemIcon025f 閃光玉
Flash Bomb
2 57z Combine Bomb Material + Flashbug
ItemIcon025b 音爆弾
Sonic Bomb
2 45z Combine Screamer + Gunpowder
ItemIcon063b モンスターのフン
1 1z Dung piles
ItemIcon063a 竜のフン
Wyvern Droppings
4 2z Dung piles
ItemIcon063b こやし玉
Dung Bomb
2 80z Bought from the salesman near the village chief, or combine Bomb Material + Dung
ItemIcon038 けむり玉
Smoke Bomb
2 44z Combine Ivy + Bomb Material
ItemIcon038c 毒けむり玉
Poison Smoke Bomb
2 60z Combine Toadstool + Bomb Material
ItemIcon038a モドリ玉
3 30z Combine Exciteshroom + Bomb Material
ItemIcon025a 捕獲用麻酔玉
Tranq Bomb
4 35z Combine Tranquilizer + Bomb Material
ItemIcon041 クモの巣
1 6z Spiderwebs in many areas, such as Area 3 of Misty Peaks
ItemIcon041 ネット
2 54z Combine Ivy + Spiderweb
ItemIcon051a トラップツール
Trap Tool
3 200z Bought from village shop
ItemIcon015a 落とし穴
Pitfall Trap
3 46z Combine Trap Tool + Net
ItemIcon015c シビレ罠
Shock Trap
3 160z Combine Trap Tool + Thunderbug
ItemIcon045g 爆薬
2 22z Bought from salesman near village chief, or combine Fire Herb + Nitroshroom
ItemIcon044b 小タル
Small Barrel
1 80z

Bought from village shop, or from mine in area 4 where the veggie elder and cats hang out.

ItemIcon044c 大タル
Large Barrel
2 21z Bought from village shop, or from mine in area 4 where the veggie elder and cats hang out.
ItemIcon050a 小タル爆弾
Barrel Bomb S
2 16z Bought from village shop, or combine Fire Herb + Small Barrel
ItemIcon050c 大タル爆弾
Barrel Bomb L
3 52z Bought at village shop, or combine Large Barrel + Gunpowder
ItemIcon050c 大タル爆弾G
Barrel Bomb L+
4 80z Combine Barrel Bomb L + Scatterfish
ItemIcon050b 打上げタル爆弾
Bounce Bomb
2 18z Combine Barrel Bomb S + Bnahabra Wing
BarrelBmb-Felvine マタタビ爆弾
Felvine Bomb
4 12z Combine Barrel Bomb S + Felvine
ItemIcon050b JUMPタル爆弾
Jump Barrel Bomb
5 80z Trade any "J Ticket" to the veggie elder in area 3 of Misty Peaks
ItemIcon050a ポリタン爆弾
Polytan Bomb
5 50z
Pickaxe1-Icon ボロピッケル
Old Pickaxe
1 6z Bought from village shop, or combine Bone + Stone
PickaxeIcon ピッケル
Iron Pickaxe
1 16z Bought from village shop, or combine Bone + Iron Ore
Pickaxe2-Icon ピッケルグレート
Mega Pickaxe
1 24z Bought from village shop, or combine Bone + Machalite Ore
ItemIcon014a ボロ虫あみ
Old Bugnet
1 3z Bought from village shop, or combine Net + Mystery Bone
ItemIcon014 虫あみ
1 8z Bought from village shop, or combine Net + Monster Bone S
ItemIcon014b 虫あみグレート
Mega Bugnet
3 12z Bought from village shop, or combine Net + Monster Bone M
ItemIcon012c 肉焼きセット
BBQ Spit
4 56z Bought from village shop
ItemIcon024a 砥石
1 8z Bought from village shop, or can be mined from many areas.
Husk-Grey カラの実
1 1z Bought at village shop
Husk-White カラ骨
Bone Husk
2 3z Found in many bone piles, such as in Area 6 of the Deserted Island, can also be bought from the salesman near the village chief
ItemIcon047 双眼鏡
1 5z Bought from village shop
ItemIcon005c 角笛
2 48z Bought from village shop
ItemIcon005d 回復笛
Health Horn
4 550z Combine Horn + Lifecrystals
ItemIcon005e 鬼人笛
Demon Horn
5 1080z Combine Mega Demondrug + Monster Bone M
ItemIcon005b 解毒笛
Antidote Horn
4 300z Combine Mega Armorskin + Monster Bone M

Bowgun Ammo/ Bow Coating[]

Bowgun Ammo/ Bow Coating
Name Rare Value Locations
ItemIcon033 LV1 通常弾
Normal S Lv1
1 1z Found in supply box, and can be bought from village shop.
ItemIcon033 LV2 通常弾
Normal S Lv2
1 1z Bought from village shop, or combine Needleberry + Huskberry
ItemIcon033 LV3 通常弾
Normal S Lv3
2 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Popfish
ItemIcon033 LV1 貫通弾
Pierce S Lv1
2 1z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Bird Wyvern Fang
ItemIcon033 LV2 貫通弾
Pierce S Lv2
2 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Pin Tuna
ItemIcon033 LV3 貫通弾
Pierce S Lv3
3 3z Bought from village shop, or combine Bone Husk + Pin Tuna
ItemIcon033 LV1 散弾
Pellet S Lv1
2 1z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Scatternut
ItemIcon033 LV2 散弾
Pellet S Lv2
2 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Wyvern Fang
ItemIcon033 LV3 散弾
Pellet S Lv3
3 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Bone Husk + Wyvern Fang
ItemIcon033 LV1 徹甲榴弾
Crag S Lv1
3 4z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Burst Arowana
ItemIcon033 LV2 徹甲榴弾
Crag S Lv2
3 7z Combine Bone Husk + Burst Arowana
ItemIcon033 LV3 徹甲榴弾
Crag S Lv3
3 7z Combine Bone Husk + Bomb Arowana
ItemIcon033 LV1 拡散弾
Clust S Lv1
2 4z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Bomberry
ItemIcon033 LV2 拡散弾
Clust S Lv2
3 6z Combine Bone Husk + Wyvern Claw
ItemIcon033 LV3 拡散弾
Clust S Lv3
3 10z Combine Bone Husk + Scatterfish
ItemIcon033i 火炎弾
Flaming S
3 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Fire Herb
ItemIcon033b 水冷弾
Water S
3 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Whetfish
ItemIcon033f 電撃弾
Thunder S
3 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Flashbug
ItemIcon033e 氷結弾
Freeze S
3 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Ice Crystal
ItemIcon033i 滅龍弾
Dragon S
5 10z Combine Bone Husk + Dragonfell Berry
ItemIcon033 斬裂弾
Slicing S
3 3z Bought from village shop, or combine
ItemIcon033g LV1 毒弾
Poison S LV1
2 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Toadstool
ItemIcon033g LV2 毒弾
Poison S LV2
3 2z Combine Bone Husk + Toadstool
ItemIcon033f LV1 麻痺弾
Para S Lv1
3 3z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Parashroom
ItemIcon033f LV2 麻痺弾
Para S Lv2
4 5z Combine Bone Husk + Parashroom
ItemIcon033b LV1 睡眠弾
Sleep S Lv1
3 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Sleep Herb
ItemIcon033b LV2 睡眠弾
Sleep S Lv2
4 3z Combine Huskberry + Sleepyfish
ItemIcon033e LV1 減気弾
Exhaust S LV1
2 3z Bought from village shop, or combine Bone Husk + Dung
ItemIcon033e LV2 減気弾
Exhaust S LV2
3 5z Combine Bone Husk + Sindh Sardine
ItemIcon033h LV1 回復弾
Recov S LV1
1 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Herb
ItemIcon033h LV2 回復弾
Recov S LV2
2 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Huskberry + Potion
ItemIcon033i 鬼人弾
Demon S
3 5z Combine Bone Husk + Demondrug
ItemIcon033d 硬化弾
Armor S
3 5z Combine Bone Husk + Armorskin
ItemIcon033i 捕獲用麻酔弾
Tranq S
4 4z Combine Bone Husk + Tranquilizer
ItemIcon033c ペイント弾
Paint S
1 6z Combine Huskberry + Paintberry
ItemIcon022 空きビン
Empty Bottle
1 1z Bought from village shop, or combine Whetstone + Bone Husk
ItemIcon040e 強撃ビン\
Power Coating
2 3z Bought from village shop, or combine Empty Bottle + Nitroshroom
ItemIcon040 接撃ビン
3 3z Bought from village shop, or combine Empty Bottle + Whetfish
ItemIcon040b 毒ビン
Poison Coating
3 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Empty Bottle + Toadstool
ItemIcon040a 麻痺ビン
3 3z Bought from village shop, or combine Empty Bottle + Parashroom
ItemIcon040c 睡眠ビン
Sleep Coating
3 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Empty Bottle + Sleep Herb
ItemIcon040c 減気ビン
Exhaust Coating
3 2z Bought from village shop, or combine Empty Bottle + Stamina Mushroom
ItemIcon040d ペイントビン
Paint Coating
1 6z Bought from village shop, or combine Empty Bottle + Paintberry


Name Rare Value Locations
ItemIcon004b 釣りミミズ
1 2z In many gathering spots, such as Area 6 of the Misty Peaks
ItemIcon004d 釣りフィーバエ
Mega Fishing Fly
3 3z Found in many bug-gathering spots, such as Area 7 of the Misty Peaks, or bought from the salesman near the village chief
ItemIcon004c 黄金ダンゴ
Goldenfish Bait
4 30z Combine Mega Fishing Fly + Snakebee Larvae
MH4G-Bait Icon Red バクダンゴ
Tapir Bait
2 7z Combine Mega Fishing Fly + Bonhopper
ItemIcon004e 大漁ダンゴ
Big Catch Bait
2 4z Combine Mega Fishing Fly + Earbug


Name Rare Value Locations
ItemIcon054c ハチミツ
2 45z Beehives in many places, such as Area 5 of Misty Peaks
ItemIcon052g 薬草
1 2z Gathering spots in many areas (such as Area 1 of Deserted Island), or bought from the village shop
ItemIcon052d げどく草
Antidote Herb
1 2z Gathering spots in many ares (such as Area 5 of Misty Peaks), or bought from the salesman near the village chief
ItemIcon052h 火薬草
Fire Herb
2 4z Gathering spots in the Sandy Plains, Flooded Forest and Volcano, or bought from the salesman near the village chief
ItemIcon052d 霜ふり草
Snow Herb
4 6z Gathering spots in the Misty Peaks and Tundra
ItemIcon052g ツタの葉
1 8z Gathering spots in the Deserted Island, Misty Peaks etc.
ItemIcon052b ネムリ草
Sleep Herb
1 5z Gathering spots in the Deserted Island, Misty Peaks etc.
ItemIcon052 ネンチャク草
Sap Plant
1 2z Gathering spots in the Deserted Island and Flooded Forest or bought from the salesman near the village chief
ItemIcon052e マタタビ
1 1z Gathering spots in the Deserted Island and Sandy Plains, or bought from the salesman near the village chief
ItemIcon052c サボテンの花
Cactus Flower
2 10z Area 9 of the Sandy Plains
ItemIcon052h トウガラシ
Hot Pepper
2 4z Gathering spots in the Sandy Plains
ItemIcon052c ムチューリップ
Hypnotic Pollen
1 4z Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon064d アオキノコ
Blue Mushroom
2 2z Mushroom gathering spots in many areas, such as Area 2 of the Misty Peaks
ItemIcon064g ニトロダケ
2 6z Mushroom gathering spots in the Sandy Plains, and in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon064e マヒダケ
3 15z Mushroom gathering spots in the Flooded Forest, and in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon064f 毒テングダケ
2 8z Mushroom gathering spots in the Flooded Forest, and in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon064f ドキドキノコ
3 18z Mushroom gathering spots in the Deserted Island, and in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon064a クタビレタケ
2 9z Mushroom gathering spots in the Flooded Forest, and in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon064g マンドラゴラ
Dragon Toadstool
3 40z Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon064e オオマヒシメジ
4 40z Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon064h ツルハシイタケ
Pickaxe Shroom
1 6z Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon039d ペイントの実
1 6z Gathering in many areas, such as Area 4 of the Misty Peaks
ItemIcon039f 怪力の種
Power Seed
2 140z Gathering in many areas, such as Area 8 of the Volcano
ItemIcon039b 忍耐の種
Armor Seed
2 110z Gathering in many areas, such as Area 8 of the Volcano
MH4G-Seed Icon Blue ウチケシの実
2 120z Gathering in many areas, such as Area 6 of the Misty Peaks
ItemIcon039f 龍殺しの実
Dragonfell Berry
4 78z Gathering in many areas, such as Area 1 of the Volcano, or by slaying Uroktor
ItemIcon039a はじけクルミ
2 4z Gathering in many areas, such as Area 1 of the Volcano
ItemIcon039a ハリの実
1 1z Gathering in many areas, such as Area 1 of the Misty Peaks
ItemIcon039a カクサンの実
2 12z Gathering in many areas, such as Area 1 of the Volcano
ItemIcon039f 赤の種
Red Seed
2 1z Bought from the salesman near the village chief
ItemIcon039e 緑の種
Green Seed
2 1z Bought from the salesman near the village chief
ItemIcon039b ペピポパンプキン
4 20z Obtained randomly through Red seed planting in the Yukumo Farm. Increase odds by fertilizing
FourthGen-Wood Icon Yellow ユクモの木
Yukumo Wood
4 50z "Carved" from wood, such as in Area 4 of the Misty Peaks
FourthGen-Wood Icon Orange ユクモの堅木
Yukumo Wood+
6 350z "Carved" from wood, such as in Area 4 of the Misty Peaks (High Rank only)
ItemIcon045a 良質な灰
High Quality Ash
1 1z Obtained after using the multi-BBQ spit in Yukumo Farm


Name Rare Value Locations
ItemIcon016h キレアジ
1 45z Many fishing areas, such as Area 7 of the Misty Peaks, and from Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon016d サシミウオ
1 45z Many fishing areas, such as Area 6 of the Misty Peaks, and from Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon016b 眠魚
3 45z Many fishing areas, such as the base camp in the Tundra, and from Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon016a ハリマグロ
Pin Tuna
1 50z Many fishing areas, such as Area 6 of the Misty Peaks, and from Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon016a はじけイワシ
3 15z Many fishing areas, such as Area 6 of the Misty Peaks, and from Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon016a カクサンデメキン
4 150z Many fishing areas, such as Area 4 of the Flooded Forest, and from Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon016f ハレツアロワナ
Burst Arrowana
4 45z Many fishing areas, such as Area 4 of the Flooded Forest, and from Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon016c バクレツアロワナ
Bomb Arrowana
4 135z Many fishing areas, such as Area 4 of the Flooded Forest, and from Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon016h 小金魚
Small Goldenfish
4 500z Many fishing areas, such as Area 6 of the Misty Peaks, and from Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon016f シンドイワシ
Deepsea Sardine
3 48z Yukumo Farm, can be bought from peddler near village elder
ItemIcon016a 古代魚
Ancient Fish
5 1500z

Yukumo Farm (Combine Mega fishing fly+Insect Husk+Godbug), Area 10 of the Deserted Island

ItemIcon016b イチノタチウオ
Large Bletfish
4 100z Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon011 うなりうねり貝
Unari Shellfish
4 100z Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon016 ヨロイシダイ
Armored Beakfish
4 60z Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon028d 古代鮫の皮
4 380z Send the Felyne Cart in Yukumo Farm to the Deserted Island


Name Rare Value Locations
ItemIcon001a 虫の死骸
Insect Husk
1 1z Gathering spots in most areas
ItemIcon001e ヤマイモムシ
1 3z Gathering spots in most areas
ItemIcon001h イレグイモムシ
Hawkmoth Larva
1 3z Bug-catching spots in the Tundra (Area 1), can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001i ボンバッタ
1 6z Bug-catching spots in many areas, such as Area 5 of the Flooded Forest, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001d ツチハチノコ
Snakebee Larva
1 30z Gathering spots in many areas, such as Area 7 of the Flooded Forest
ItemIcon001 不死虫
4 210z Bug-catching spots in many areas, such as Area 1 of the Misty Peaks, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001e にが虫
1 2z Bug-catching spots in many areas, such as Area 7 of the Misty Peaks, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001f 光蟲
2 48z Bug-catching spots in many areas, such as Area 9 of the Misty Peaks, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001f 雷光虫
4 150z Bug-catching spots in many areas, such as Area 9 of the Misty Peaks, can also be gathered from Zinogre's back. Also found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001a セッチャクロアリ
4 120z Bug-catching spots in many areas, such as Area 7 of the Misty Peaks, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001h キラビートル
Killer Beetle
4 200z Most commonly found in the Flooded Forest, in many areas, such as Area 2, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001i ドスヘラクレス
4 540z Bug-gathering spots in the Volcano, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001e 超電雷光虫
Mega Thunderbug
4 350z Gathered from Zinogre's back, and may be received in quest rewards
ItemIcon001g 王族カナブン
King Scarab
6 800z Bug-gathering spots in the Volcano (High Rank only), can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001f マレコガネ
Rare Scarab
6 1000z Bug-gathering spots in the Volcano (High Rank only), can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon001c ハナスズムシ
Bell Cricket
4 180z Yukumo Farm Based-On-Experience : Green Pot + Honey, or (Once the ★★★★★ Elder quests have been unlocked) Bug-tree with 3 or 4 comrades.
ItemIcon001a オオクワアゲハ
Butterfly Beetle
4 220z Yukumo Farm: Green Pot + Hypnotic Pollen


Name Rare Value Locations
ItemIcon003a 石ころ
1 1z Many mining spots, such as in Area 1 of the Misty Peaks
ItemIcon003a 鉄鉱石
Iron Ore
4 60z Many mining spots, such as in Area 2 of the Misty Peaks, can also be found in Yukumo Farm (Anywhere there is mining)
ItemIcon003 大地の結晶
Earth Crystal
4 80z Many mining spots, such as in Area 3 of the Misty Peaks, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon003e マカライト鉱石
Machalite Ore
4 160z Many mining spots, such as in Area 3 of the Misty Peaks, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon003d シーブライト鉱石
Pelagicite Ore
4 420z Areas 1, 3 and 6 of the Flooded Forest, and mining Jhen Mohran's back
ItemIcon003b ベアライト石
Bealite Ore
4 140z Many mining spots, such as in Area 8 of the Flooded Forest And In Yukomo Farm
ItemIcon003 アイシスメタル
4 320z Areas 4, 5 and the Secret Area of the Tundra
ItemIcon003a ライトクリスタル
4 1150z Areas 4, 5, 6 and 7 of the Tundra
ItemIcon003h ドラグライト鉱石
Dragonite Ore
4 480z Areas 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9 and 10 of the Volcano, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon003d 溶岩塊
Lava Chunk
4 530z Mined from Uragaan's back, and given as quest rewards for defeating Uragaan and Agnaktor
ItemIcon003i 紅蓮石
4 860z Areas 5, 8, 9 and 10 of the Volcano. Can also be carved from Agnaktor
ItemIcon003g カブレライト鉱石
Carbalite Ore
6 680z Mining in many areas, such as the Volcano and the Misty Peaks, can also be found in Yukumo Farm (High Rank only)
ItemIcon003c デプスライト鉱石
Bathycite Ore
6 720z Areas 1, 3 and 6 of the Flooded Forest and mining from Jhen Mohran's back (High Rank only)
ItemIcon003c ユニオン鉱石
Union Ore
6 1020z Mining in the Volcano (High Rank only)
ItemIcon003b グラシスメタル
6 640z Areas 4, 5 and the Secret Area of the Tundra (High Rank only)
ItemIcon003d 獄炎石
Firecell Stone
6 1720z Mining in the Volcano. Can also be carved from Agnaktor (High Rank only)
ItemIcon003b 氷結晶
Ice Crystal
4 60z Mining in the Sandy Plains and Tundra, can also be found in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon003e 虹水晶
Rainbow Crystal
4 200z Yukumo Farm (Mining Cart)

Misc. Minerals[]

Misc. Minerals
Name Rare Value Locations
ItemIcon019 武具石
Armor Stone
4 150z Mining spots in many areas, most notably the Volcano
ItemIcon019f 武具玉
Armor Sphere
4 80z Mining spots in many areas, most notably the Volcano. Also obtained in exchange for Yukumo points with the man outside the Farm
ItemIcon019d 上武具玉
Armor Sphere+
5 300z Mining spots in many areas, most notably the Volcano. Also obtained in exchange for Yukumo points with the man outside the Farm
ItemIcon019b 堅武具玉
Hrd Armor Sphere
6 400z Mining spots in many areas, most notably the Volcano. Also obtained in exchange for Yukumo points with the man outside the Farm
ItemIcon019a 重武具玉
Hvy Armor Sphere
6 600z Mining spots in many areas, most notably the Volcano. Also obtained in exchange for Yukumo points with the man outside the Farm
ItemIcon017b 水光原珠
Sukio Jewel
4 50z Mining spots in many areas, most notably the Volcano. Also obtained in exchange for Yukumo points with the man outside the Farm
ItemIcon017 陽翔原珠
Akito Jewel
4 350z Mining spots in many areas, most notably the Volcano. Also obtained in exchange for Yukumo points with the man outside the Farm.
ItemIcon017g 修羅原珠
Battlefield Jewel
5 530z Mining spots in many areas, most notably the Volcano. Also obtained in exchange for Yukumo points with the man outside the Farm
ItemIcon017f 瑠璃原珠
Lapis Lazuli Jewel
5 880z Mining spots in many areas, most notably the Volcano. Also obtained in exchange for Yukumo points with the man outside the Farm
Mystery Charm
4 N/A Volcano mining
Shining Charm
5 N/A Volcano mining
Timeworn Charm
6 N/A Volcano mining
ItemIcon062e さびた塊
4 N/A Volcano mining
ItemIcon062e 太古の塊
7 N/A Volcano mining
ItemIcon062e さびた破片
4 180z Felyne Cart in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon062e 大きな太古の破片
Lg Ancient Debris
6 360z Felyne Cart in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon062e 細い太古の破片
Sm Ancient Debris
6 360z Felyne Cart in Yukumo Farm
ItemIcon062e 長い太古の破片
Long Ancient Debris
6 360z Felyne Cart in Yukumo Farm


Bone Materials
Name Rare Value Locations
Mystery Bone
1 1z Most bone piles, such as Area 2 of the Misty Peaks
Unknown Skull
4 120z Many bone piles, such as Area 8 of the Misty Peaks
1 15z Most bone piles, such as Area 2 of the Misty Peaks
Monster Bone S
3 10z Carved from many small monsters, such as Aptonoth
Monster Bone M
4 210z Carved from monsters such as Rhenoplos
Monster Bone L
4 440z Carved from large monsters such as Barroth
Monster Bone+
4 560z Carved from large monsters such as Qurupeco, or received as a quest reward 
Sharp Monster Bone
6 660z Quest reward for slaying monsters such as Qurupeco or Royal Ludroth (High Rank only)

Hard Monster Bone/

Monsterbone X

6 840z

Quest Reward for slaying large monsters such as Agnaktor (High Rank only)

Bird Wyvern Bone
6 210z Carved from minions such as Jaggi or Baggi (High Rank only)
Giant Bone
4 150z Carved from Pelagus, such as Arzuros or Bulldrome
Stout Bone
6 600z Carved from Pelagus, such as Arzuros or Bulldrome (High Rank only)
Dragonbone Relic
6 500z Bone piles in the Tundra most common in the Secret Area (High Rank only)
Wyvern Fang
3 6z Can be bought from the salesman near the village chief
Wyvern Claw
3 18z Reward for breaking Rathian or Rathalos' wings. Can also be bought from the salesman near the village chief
Wyvern Crystal 2 ?z Mining in Sandy Plains, such as in Area 4

Monster Sacs[]

Name Rare Value Locations
4 15z Great Jaggi and Qurupeco
Poison Sac
4 96z Great Wroggi and Gigginox
Toxin Sac
6 288z Great Wroggi (High Rank only)
Paralysis Sac
4 120z Volvidon
Torpor Sac
6 360z Volvidon (High Rank only)
Sleep Sac
4 230z Great Baggi
Coma Sac
6 690z Great Baggi (High Rank only)
Flame Sac
4 240z Rathian and Rathalos
Inferno Sac
6 720z Rathian and Rathalos (High Rank only)
Water Sac
4 170z Royal Ludroth
Aqueous sac
6 510z Royal Ludroth and Purple Ludroth (High Rank only)
Thunder Sac
6 960z Baleful Gigginox (High Rank only)
Frost Sac
4 290z Barioth
Freezer Sac
6 870z Barioth (High Rank only)

Monster Materials[]

Main Article: MHP3: Monster Item List


Name Rare Value Locations
Wood Scraps
4 10z Convert Yukumo Wood into Scraps
Wood Scraps +
6 30z Convert Yukumo Wood + into Scraps
Pumpkin Scraps
4 10z Convert Pepipo Pumpkin into Scraps
Ore Scraps
4 10z Convert any Low Rank Ore into Scraps
Ore Scraps +
6 30z Convert any High Rank Ore into Scraps
Bone Scraps
4 10z Convert Low Rank Bones into Scraps
Bone Scraps +
6 30z Convert High Rank Bones into Scraps
Fur Scraps
4 10z Convert Warm Pelt into Scraps
Fur Scraps +
6 30z Convert Fine Pelt into Scraps
Courage Scraps
4 0z Convert Commendation into Scraps
Courage Scraps +
6 0z Convert Commendation G into Scraps
Rhenoplos Scraps
4 10z Convert Low Rank Rhenoplos Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Rhenoplos equipment
Rhenoplos Scraps +
6 30z Convert High Rank Rhenoplos Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Rhenoplos equipment
Slagtoth Scraps
4 10z Convert Low Rank Slagtoth Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Slagtoth equipment
Slagtoth Scraps +
6 30z Convert High Rank Slagtoth Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Slagtoth equipment
Bnahabra Scraps
4 10z Convert Low Rank Bnahabra Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Bnahabra equipment
Bnahabra Scraps +
6 30z Convert High Rank Bnahabra Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Bnahabra equipment
Altaroth Scraps
4 10z Convert Low Rank Altaroth Materials into Scraps
Altaroth Scraps +
6 30z Convert High Rank Altaroth Materials into Scraps
MHP3-Scraps Icon 01
Bulldrome Scraps
4 50z Convert Low Rank Bulldrome Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Bulldrome equipment
MHP3-Scraps Icon 01
Bulldrome Scraps+
6 150z Convert High Rank Bulldrome Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Bulldrome equipment
Jaggi Scraps
4 50z Convert Low Rank Great Jaggi Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Great Jaggi equipment
Jaggi Scraps +
6 150z Convert High Rank Great Jaggi Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Great Jaggi equipment
Arzuros Scraps
4 50z Convert Low Rank Arzuros Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Arzuros equipment
Arzuros Scraps +
6 150z Convert High Rank Arzuros Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Arzuros equipment
Qurupeco Scraps
4 100z Convert Low Rank Qurupeco Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Qurupeco equipment
Qurupeco Scraps +
6 300z Convert High Rank Qurupeco Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Qurupeco equipment
Wroggi Scraps
4 50z Convert Low Rank Wroggi Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Wroggi equipment
Wroggi Scraps +
6 150z Convert High Rank Wroggi Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Wroggi equipment
MHP3-Scraps Icon 01
Lagombi Scraps
4 50z Convert Low Rank Lagombi Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Lagombi equipment
MHP3-Scraps Icon 01
Lagombi Scraps+
6 150z Convert High Rank Lagombi Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Lagombi equipment
Ludroth Scraps
4 100z Convert Low Rank Royal Ludroth Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Royal Ludroth equipment
Ludroth Scraps +
6 300z Convert High Rank Royal Ludroth Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Royal Ludroth equipment
Baggi Scraps
4 50z Convert Low Rank Great Baggi Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Great Baggi equipment
Baggi Scraps +
6 150z Convert High Rank Great Baggi Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Great Baggi equipment
Volvidon Scraps
4 50z Convert Low Rank Volvidon Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Volvidon equipment
Volvidon Scraps +
6 150z Convert High Rank Volvidon Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Volvidon equipment
Nibelsnarf Scraps
4 100z Convert Low Rank Nibelsnarf Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Nibelsnarf equipment
Nibelsnarf Scraps +
6 300z Convert High Rank Nibelsnarf Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Nibelsnarf equipment
Gigginox Scraps
4 100z Convert Low Rank Gigginox Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Gigginox equipment
Gigginox Scraps +
6 300z Convert High Rank Gigginox Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Gigginox equipment
Barroth Scraps
4 100z Convert Low Rank Barroth Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Barroth equipment
Barroth Scraps +
6 300z Convert High Rank Barroth Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Barroth equipment
Rathian Scraps
4 150z Convert Low Rank Rathian Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Rathian equipment
Rathian Scraps +
6 450z Convert High Rank Rathian Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Rathian equipment
Rathalos Scraps
4 150z Convert Low Rank Rathalos Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Rathalos equipment
Rathalos Scraps +
6 450z Convert High Rank Rathalos Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Rathalos equipment
Nargacuga Scraps
4 150z Convert Low Rank Nargacuga Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Nargacuga equipment
Nargacuga Scraps +
6 450z Convert High Rank Nargacuga Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Nargacuga equipment
MHP3-Scraps Icon 01
Barioth Scraps
4 150z Convert Low Rank Barioth Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Barioth equipment
MHP3-Scraps Icon 01
Barioth Scraps+
6 450z Convert High Rank Barioth Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Barioth equipment
Zinogre Scraps
4 150z Convert Low Rank Zinogre Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Zinogre equipment
Zinogre Scraps +
6 450z Convert High Rank Zinogre Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Zinogre equipment
Uragaan Scraps
4 150z Convert Low Rank Uragaan Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Uragaan equipment
Uragaan Scraps +
6 450z Convert High Rank Uragaan Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Uragaan equipment
Duramboros Scraps
4 150z Convert Low Rank Duramboros Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Duramboros equipment
Duramboros Scraps +
6 450z Convert High Rank Duramboros Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Duramboros equipment
Diablos Scraps
4 150z Convert Low Rank Diablos Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Diablos equipment
Diablos Scraps +
6 450z Convert High Rank Diablos Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Diablos equipment
Tigrex Scraps
4 150z Convert Low Rank Tigrex Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Tigrex equipment
Tigrex Scraps +
6 450z Convert High Rank Tigrex Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Tigrex equipment
Agnaktor Scraps
4 150z Convert Low Rank Agnaktor Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Agnaktor equipment
Agnaktor Scraps +
6 450z Convert High Rank Agnaktor Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Agnaktor equipment
Jhen Mohran Scraps
4 200z Convert Low Rank Jhen Mohran Materials into Scraps, or create Low Rank Jhen Mohran equipment
Jhen Mohran Scraps +
6 600z Convert High Rank Jhen Mohran Materials into Scraps, or create High Rank Jhen Mohran equipment
Deviljho Scraps
6 600z Convert Deviljho Materials into Scraps, or create Deviljho equipment
Amatsumagatsuchi Scraps
6 600z Convert Amatsumagatsuchi Materials into Scraps, or create Amatsumagatsuchi equipment
Akantor Scraps
6 600z Convert Akantor Materials into Scraps, or create Akantor equipment
MHP3-Scraps Icon 01
Ukanlos Scraps
6 600z Convert Ukanlos Materials into Scraps, or create Ukanlos equipment
Alatreon Scraps
6 600z Convert Alatreon Materials into Scraps, or create Alatreon equipment

Account Items[]

Account Items
Name Rare Value at Yukumo Points Locations
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Light Blue 牙獣のナミダ
Beast Tear
3 400 Pelagus shiny drop
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Light Blue 牙獣の大粒ナミダ
Beast Sobs
5 1800 Pelagus shiny drop (High Rank)
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Blue 竜のナミダ
Wyvern Tear
3 500 Wyvern shiny drop
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Blue 竜の大粒ナミダ
Wyvern Sobs
5 2500 Wyvern shiny drop (High Rank)
MH4G-Monster Parts Icon Yellow モンスターのキモ
Monster Guts
3 300 Carved from Delex
MH4G-Medicine Icon Purple ギィギエキス
Giggi Extract
2 80 Carved from Giggi
MH4G-Sac Icon Yellow きれいな腹袋
Clean Pouch
2 150 Shiny drop from an Altaroth (yellow sac)
MH4G-Sac Icon Orange 輝く腹袋
Sparkling Pouch
3 450 Shiny drop from an Altaroth (yellow sac)
MH4G-Seed Icon Green まんまるドングリ
Cute Acorn
3 30 Felyne shiny drop
MH4G-Seed Icon Green 秘密のポーチ
Secret Pouch
3 100 Melynx shiny drop
MH4G-Meat Icon Red ポポノタン
Popo Tongue
3 120 Carved from Popo
MH4G-Medicine Icon Green 垂皮油
Slagtoth Skin Oil
3 100 Carved from Slagtoth
MH4G-Meat Icon White ホワイトレバー
White Liver
2 100 Kelbi and Anteka carve
MH4G-Dung Icon Yellow ガーグァのフン
Gargwa Droppings
2 25 Shiny drop from Gargwa when surprised
MH4G-Ore Icon Red 火薬岩
5 3000 Area 10 of the Volcano
MH4G-Ore Icon Grey 灰水晶の原石
Sootstone Ore
3 1000 Area 6 of the Tundra
MH4G-Egg Icon Light Blue ガーグァの卵
Gargwa Egg
4 200 Shiny drop from Gargwa when surprised
MH4G-Egg Icon Yellow ガーグァの金の卵
Gold Gargwa Egg
5 500 Shiny drop from Gargwa when surprised
MH4G-Egg Icon Orange 草食竜の卵
Herbivore Egg
5 1000 Sandy Plains (Area 7)
MH4G-Egg Icon White 竜の卵
Wyvern Egg
5 1200 Deserted Island (Area 8)
MH4G-Ore Icon Grey 燃石炭
3 150 Mined at the Volcano and from Uragaan's back
MH4G-Ore Icon Red 強燃石炭
Strong Coal
4 1250 Mined at the Volcano and from Uragaan's back (High Rank)
MH4G-Ore Icon Red 血石
3 90 Mined at the Tundra
MH4G-Ore Icon Red 深血石
Deep Bloodstone
4 900 Mined at the Tundra (High Rank)
MH4G-Bone Icon Purple 竜骨結晶
Crystal Bone
2 60 Mined from various spots in the Sandy Plains
MH4G-Bone Icon Yellow 黄金骨
Golden Bone
3 350 Bone piles in the Sandy Plains and Tundra
MH4G-Ore Icon Pink 花香石のかけら
Flowerstone Piece
3 180 Mined at the Misty Peaks
MH4G-Ore Icon Red 花香石の塊
Flowerstone Hunk
4 900 Mined at the Misty Peaks (High Rank)
MH4G-Ore Icon Yellow 黄金石のかけら
Goldstone Piece
3 200 Mined in the Flooded Forest
MH4G-Ore Icon Yellow 黄金石の塊
Goldstone Hunk
4 1000 Mined in the Flooded Forest (High Rank)
MH4G-Bug Icon White 銀色コオロギ
Silver Cricket
2 210 Gathered in the Volcano
MH4G-Bug Icon Yellow 金色コオロギ
Golden Cricket
4 980 Gathered in the Volcano (High Rank)
MH4G-Bug Icon Light Blue ロイヤルカブト
Royal Rhino
2 170 Gathered in the Misty Peaks, Flooded Forest and Sandy Plains
MH4G-Bug Icon Light Blue ゴッドカブト
Divine Rhino
4 1000 Gathered in the Misty Peaks, Flooded Forest and Sandy Plains (High Rank)
MH4G-Fish Icon Pink 錦魚
Jin Fish
3 540 Fishing
MH4G-Fish Icon Red 王錦魚
King Jin Fish
5 1620 Fishing
MH4G-Fish Icon Yellow 黄金魚
3 500 Fishing in the Misty Peaks, Flooded Forest and Tundra
MH4G-Fish Icon White 白金魚
5 1500 Fishing in the Misty Peaks, Flooded Forest and Tundra (High Rank)
MH4G-Seed Icon Yellow 火山椒の実
Fire Pepperfruit
3 135 Gathered in the Volcano
MH4G-Herb Icon White オーロラ草
Aurora Plant
3 82 Gathered in the Tundra
FourthGen-Bamboo Icon Yellow 特産タケノコ
Bamboo Shoot
2 60 Gathered in the Misty Peaks (Area 3)
MH4G-Mushroom Icon Orange ドスマツタケ
Dos Mushroom
3 500 Gathered in the Misty Peaks
MH4G-Mushroom Icon Green 熟成キノコ
Ripened Mushroom
3 100 Shiny drop from Altaroth (blue sac)
MH4G-Mushroom Icon White 厳選キノコ
Choice Mushroom
5 500 Gathered in the Deserted Island and Sandy Plains
MH4G-Mushroom Icon White 特産キノコ
Unique Mushroom
2 50 Gathered in the Deserted Island, Flooded Forest and Misty Peaks
MH4G-Webbing Icon Red ロイヤルハニー
Royal Honey
3 120 Beehives in the Misty Peaks

Supply Items[]

Book Tools
Name Rare Locations
Paw Pass Ticket
4 "Harvest Tour" quests, and certain multiple-monster quests
1 All quests
First-Aid Med
1 All quests (with the exception of "Harvest Tours" and some Elder Dragon quests)
1 All quests (with the exception of "Harvest Tours" and some Elder Dragon quests)
Mini Whetstone
1 All quests (with the exception of "Harvest Tours" and some Elder Dragon quests)
Portable BBQ Spit
1 Some quests
EZ Shock Trap
3 Some quests (mostly early quests, such as hunting Arzuros)
EZ Flash Bomb
3 Some quests (e.g. Rathalos)
EZ Sonic Bomb
3 Some quests (e.g. Nibelsnarf)
Supply Max Potion
3 Some quests
EZ Pitfall Trap
3 Some quests (e.g. Zinogre)
Supply Barrel Bomb L
3 Some quests (e.g. Uragaan)
Throwing Knife
1 Some quests (e.g. Arzuros)
Poison Knife
1 Some quests (e.g. Uragaan)
Sleep Knife
1 Some quests (e.g. Duramboros)
Paralysis Knife
1 Some quests
Tranq Knife
4 Some quests
Ballista Ammo
6 Jhen Mohran and Amatsumagatsuchi quests
Cannon Ammo
6 Jhen Mohran quests. Note: the Cannon Ammo will not be in the supply box, it is required to be gathered from a pile cannon balls.
Ballista Binder
6 Jhen Mohran quests
Elastic Binder
6 Amatsumagatsuchi quests
Anti-Dragon Bomb
6 Some Elder Dragon quests (e.g. Jhen Mohran)


Name Rare Value Locations
Pawprint Stamp
5 ???z Shiny drop from Melynx
Yukumo Ticket
5 ???z Given by the Village Elder upon completion of certain quests. Can also be received in exchange for Yukumo points from the man outside the farm.
Drink Ticket
5 ???z Given by the Felyne in the Hot Spring.
Hot Spring Ticket
5 ???z Given by the quest-giving Felyne in the Hotspring.
Comrade Ticket
5 ???z Given by Felyne Comrades.
5 ???z Reward for completing HR1-5 Epic Hunting Quests.
Commendation G
5 ???z Reward for completing HR6 Epic Hunting Quests.
Pirate J Ticket
5 ???z Received from the Download Quest 週間少年ジャンプ

(Hunt 3 Agnaktors).

Famitsu ST
5 ???z Received from the Download Quest
ファミ通・怒涛の突進祭り!(Hunt 20 Bullfangos)
Famitsu GT
5 ???z Received from the Download Quest
ファミ通・状態異常を克服せよ(Hunt Volvidon, Great Wroggi and Uragaan)
Famitsu PT
5 ???z Received from the Download Quest
ファミ通・大角と巨槌、再び!(Hunt Black Diablos and Steel Uragaan)
White Raven Feather
5 ???z Received from the Download Quest 狩猟戦線からの招待 (Hunt 2 Diablos)
Famitsu Ticket
5 ???z Received from the Download Quest ファミ通・大角と巨鎚の激突!(Hunt 1 Diablos and 1 Uragaan)
Lightning Ticket
5 ???z Received from the Download Quest 電撃・ダブルライジング (Hunt 2 Zinogre)
Invitation to Arms
5 ???z Received from the Download Quest 武装戦線・男たちの勝負!

(Hunt 2 Barroth)

Strongest Ground Proof
5 ???z Received from the Download Quest 範馬刃牙・鬼の遺伝子
(Hunt 1 Zinogre)
Esoteric swordsman book
5 ???z Received from the Download QuestYAIBA・風神と雷神
(Hunt 1 Zinogre and 1 Sand Barioth)
MH Club Notice
5 ???z Received from the Download Questモンハン部・特選クエスト!
(Hunt 1 Qurupeco)


Japanese Name Translated Rare Value Other Information
MH4G-Question Mark Icon Grey もえないゴミ Garbage 1 1z Obtain when combining items failed.
MH4G-Egg Icon Grey 鋼のたまご Steel Egg 4 1000z Common on Special Gathering Quests.
MH4G-Egg Icon White 銀のたまご Silver Egg 4 10000z Rarely common on Special Gathering Quest.(Ex: "LR Special Quest: Desserts Island Egg Party!")

Used as Material for Fate Jewels.

MH4G-Egg Icon Yellow 金のたまご Golden Egg 4 20000z Rarely Obtain on Special Gathering Quest.